
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Do You See What I See?

Is Someone Here?

This is an abandoned farm house that suffered a fire located at 3191 Route 14, in Brookfield, Vermont.  I took pictures through-out the house, and ended up with several weird images - but, one,  in particular - was unexplained, and quite interesting. 

It is untouched, digital picture which appears to be angelic-like cluster of light, looking down into the basement.  There is no electricity going into the house, so what you see, is not a light bulb. This house, which includes 12 - 15 "tillable" acres is currently for sale at $110,000.

Front porch
Door with abandoned debris
Burned and vandalized
Perhaps the old living room
Another living room view
Another life
Unsafe to enter
Looking into basement - Do you see what I see?  
Another view of burned living space

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I stumbled upon your photos of this house because years after I was there, I'm still intrigued and curious about it. Several years ago, my husband and I answered an ad to live in this house rent free in exchange for fixing it up. (This was before the fire). While we were looking at the house, my husband was scratched- he had 3 scratch markes across his chest. I also caught a face of a little girl peering out of the front door window when I snapped a photo of the house as we were leaving. There's something to this house. Not sure they ever found anyone to live there, but we declined. I wonder how it burned. Thanks for sharing your photos. I'm so fascinated with this place.
