
Monday, September 16, 2013

Vermont's Chamber of Secrets

The path to the Calendar Chamber or Calendar II, near South Woodstock, is surrounded by lush green ferns and tall pines, and poplar trees. It is quiet and cool, and a palpable energy is felt as one approaches the area.

The Calendar II Chamber is a manmade underground structure composed of nine stone beam or lintels, the largest of which being approximately 3 tons (6,000 pounds). The unusual cavity astrologically aligns to summer solstice over a triangular stone which is set on a stone wall, outside of the chamber. Two external standing stones form a true (as opposed to magnetic) north-south alignment. On winter solstice, the sunrise is aligned over a notch in 2 nearby hills, and its light is cast into the entry way of the chamber. (Now supported by modern lumber for support).

The Calendar Chamber was also constructed with a hole or notch in the center of its ceiling, which could have been used for other occurrences such as eclipses or lunar events. The notch aligns with two external standing stones located outside of the chamber. A natural spring runs under it, which would make this location a sacred or holy site, as water is the conduit to life, a symbol of grace, The identification a source, such as a spring or well is ancient. Springs and wells were perceived as the dwelling place of supernatural beings, and stories and legends grew up around them. Often it was claimed that the waters healed the injured or cured the sick with the result that well or stream came to be regarded as a sacred shrine.

The date of construction is still controversial, as much scientific research has been conducted and no definitive answer has yet occurred. Speculation of the building of this site range from Native American to ancient Celts…mysterious and curious, indeed!

Entrance to Chamber

Inside the chamber, note the large slabs overhead

A standing stone at the site
Winter Solstice view at sunrise
Inside looking out

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