
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Home To Yours

Welcome to our home.  

Pictured below is my imagined self.    I am wearing the crown, because I'm the self proclaimed Queen-of-Austerity.  Honestly, I am not one to boast about myself.  But, I've been told many times that I have a "knack" for finding "stuff" on the cheap, and for utilizing my treasures for decorating.  Sure, I don't need to spend money foolishly, but it IS my guilty pleasure - better yet, my passion - to collect, recreate and decorate... And I don't spend a heck of a lot.  I've been told our small house is like a museum (which actually made me feel old, damn it)....Oh, dear!  I've digressed.   Below is our small dining room - show-cased tonight out of sheer boredom and the silly inspiration of a candelabra. 

See the *chairs behind the carafes?  You won't believe what I paid for a set of 4!  Details are what makes a smashing dinner party!
Our small dining room is a bar and mini Medieval Great Room!
My inspiration for posting... This pewter candelabra cost $2.00 at a local resale shop!!! Yes.  Two Dollars.
Another view of dining room Chairs.  See the knight in the background?  Free.
Brass... and more brass...  The candlesticks to the left were from a Catholic Church in Gloucester , Massachusetts that was closing at around 2002.  I paid $5.00 for the pair.  Beautiful - but a royal pain to clean.   The brass music stand was .50 cents... the candle snuffer was also .50 cents.  The chair on the right,  I bought a set of 2  at a local restore for $10 each.  I embellished them with tassels and braid.  
Note the ornate "place mat"?   It is actually a gold-painted antique register cover.  Thinking Outside The Box.....

Here I am hamming it up on New Years Eve a couple of years ago... Don't look at me, God, NO!   See the Victorian Chaise Lounge upon which I am sitting?  I  re-upholstered this sad, salvaged piece which I purchased for $40.  It was originally covered in thread-bare red velvet, old burlap and horsehair!

I recently recovered it with an upholstery-weight micro-fiber suede.  This picture adds a green hue, which is not accurate.   

Also, note my Beloved's  amp to the right.  His practice spot... and, why he has to junk up the dining room, when he has his very own  music room, is another topic... and mystery.

* The story of the chairs & what I paid:  My niece and I were taking a Saturday drive a few years ago.  We randomly stopped at a "Barn Sale" in Plainfield, Vermont.  I spotted these heavy, mahogany? gorgeous chairs and when I saw the price tag, it was a no-brainer purchase.  I paid $8.00 for all 4.  That's one small example of why I wear the crown.  ***chuckles**


  1. If you liked this post, please let me know. I would love to highlight more of my "treasures"! ~Denise

  2. I love your dining room! And you should wear the crown - absolutely everything was a total steal! Totally envious. :o)

    May I ask what colour red you painted the walls?
